Sunday, August 31, 2014

My views on Wilma Mankiller

There are many things that can be said about the leadership role of Wilma Mankiller.  She helped to take the Cherokee tribe to new heights not only culturally but economically as well.  She based a lot of her decision making on her ancestral ways.  In the video we had to view for this blog she discussed a number of different things.  She discussed the different political systems and how they have progressed over the years in some tribes and in others have continued on with their traditional ways. Regardless of who what when where why and how much doesn't give any one the right to take away sovereignty from any tribe.  Treaties are not meant to be broke and she is so bold to say that even the federal government doesn't honor treaties.

She also discussed how culture was and important part of how we work together and stay together.  Having a good clear mind and heart is how we learn to let go and not poison ourselves.  I feel that there is a connection to have a "right mind, right heart" when it comes to a tribal leader.  If there is to much of a negative feeling it will make it hard for the leader to make the best decision for all involved.  It can cause a lot of mis-judgment as well causing the tribe to split which would make it hard for any nation business to get done.  I know in our religion a true Longhouse person is suppose to stay out of any political involvement.  Its sad to say that currently there is a faith keeper/clan mother who had decided to run for President.  My personal feeling to this is if she can't stay true to the Code of Handsome Lake, how can she stay true to the people she plans to lead?  I think we have to learn how to work with each side whether it's for or against.

I did a blog on the wonderful lady earlier in the course.  The video gave a different view on her than from what i read from a website.  She has such a profound way of looking of life and all that it brings and turns it into something more.  I have a new found look on her and have so much respect for her.

Wilma Mankiller Video retrieved from:

Wilma Mankiller

After watching the YouTube video that is published by CSUSonoma entitled Wilma Mankiller I was quite moved. In this presentation Wilma Mankiller, who was a female Chief of the Cherokee Nation, discusses the cultural history of Native People.  Wilma Mankiller suggests that “context is everything” and shares that many people in the US today know very little about Native history and culture.  She states that many schools teach about the history of the land now known as the US after the European arrival and little is known about the Native peoples history and culture prior to that time.

Wilma Mankiller shared that many people do not know that Tribal governments have been around prior to the development of the US. She shared information about the tribal governments in regards to how they are headed and ran. She shared that some governments have evolved from their original way of running while others have remained the same. She shared that the population and land size of the governments is no longer the same but they still enjoy their sovereign rights regardless of this and they continue to thrive.

Wilma went on to explain how important the role of Women played in the Native tribes. However, have not been portrayed as thus in the media on a whole and may stereotypes have been used. Women were powerful and were consulted on important tribal decisions and were also warriors. Women continue to be important in Native tribes and are still involved in tribal government affairs.

She touched on concern about the Native culture being lost and there are plans in creating systems to preserve the culture, not just one part but all parts of the culture.  Wilma shared that knowledge is passed down through generation to generation verbal not written, told through stories, and continuing to do so is important.  She shares that part of this culture is maintaining a sense of inter-independence or a responsibility for one another.  This strong sense of tribal identity and values are continued regardless on one’s location and. Respect for others and respect for one self is promoted and unity, community, harmony and balance are taught. Wilma implies that keeping a good mind as a discipline should be encouraged because negative thoughts can poison one’s self.

She continues to say that is important to preparing youth for future and to do this all that is needed is to look to the past.  She shared this because the Native people have been through so much and are still strong. She also stresses that Native people need to continue to be strong and progress for the Native Youth. While doing so changing the public perception of native people and to rejoice because the Native culture is still ongoing and strong.



CSUSonoma. (2008) Wilma Mankiller.

Retrieved from:

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wilma Mankiller

Wilma Mankiller

The one thing that really attracts me to Wilma Mankiller is her positive outlook on life.  To me it seems that keeping this kind of positive outlook helps to keep a healthy mind and soul.  During the video she speak optimistically of the future of the Native American people holding on to their culture in years to come.  She points out all that they have been through over the years since the white man had come to North America in particular loss of land, water, lives, and forced assimilation.  She states that even after going through all of that they are still her today and how strong their bond is as a group and their desire to stay together and hold on to what they know.  Her speech is so encouraging because as she points out all that they have gone through and encourages others to look to the future in an optimistic manor.  She even quotes her favorite Mohawk proverb and states “It’s hard to see the future with tears your eyes” and she states that she adds “or with anger in your heart.”  She stresses the importance of thinking and looking towards the future in this was and teaching the children the same to that the future will also be bright for them.  She does mention that this type of thought process does not come easy and that it takes discipline.  I remember as a young girl in elementary school our teacher showing my class a picture of a glass with a half glass of water.  She asked us do we see the glass half full or half empty.  Everyone had their opinion, but mine was half empty.  She told us that those of us who saw it half full were optimistic and those who saw it half full were pessimistic.  I never forgot that.  Even today when I look at the glass I see it half empty but only in the picture.  My thoughts and actions in life are positive in nature but it does not come easy.  It does take much discipline and reminding on my part.  To hear Wilma talk about the same is so empowering and whenever I start to see that glass half empty I will try to think of her.

Wilma Mankiller Video retrieved from:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Chief Wilma Mankiller's 2008 Speech at Sonoma State University: Indian Identity, Transformation, Continuity and Resilience

Wilma Mankiller, Chief of the Cherokee nation from 1985 to 1995, gave a speech at Sonoma State University in 2008, in which she spoke about the misconceptions held by many in mainstream society, of Native American Peoples.  She provided a brief review of American history in order to help clear up common misconceptions of Indian identity, transformation, continuity and resilience.

Folks in mainstream U.S. culture sometimes think of Indians as a cultural relic of the past, as rather an artifact or as people in need of ‘advancement’.  Mankiller spoke of the importance of context, such as time and place, in relation to understanding Native American Peoples. Native American Peoples are diverse groups of people still living who enjoy modern lifestyles.

Clearing up the common misconception of a singular ‘Indian’ identity, Chief Mankiller discussed some of the 550 plus tribal groups, speaking of their distinct political structures, their unique histories, languages, beliefs, customs and ceremonies. Many in mainstream U.S. culture are unaware of the cultural and historical complexity of Native American societies.

Mankiller provided her audience context for understanding Native Americans living today with a brief discourse on Indian Nation and U.S. relations. She pointed out that many people in mainstream U.S. society do not know the full details of American history, including the Native American perspective, whereas Native Americans have been compelled to learn and adapt to the dominant culture’s perspective and lifestyle. Ignorance about both the history and the current reality relative to Native American people can lead to the misunderstanding of the issues with which Native Americans currently struggle. 

Native Americans embrace and hold onto their unique cultural heritage while they also work to adapt to the dominant culture. Sometimes adjusting is difficult, but Mankiller spoke of maintaining a positive attitude as key to living a happy and productive life. She stressed that it is important to remain positively focused because, as she said, “It is hard to see the future with tears in your eyes or anger in your heart (Mankiller).”  Thus, Chief Mankiller showed us that Native Americans are a resilient people; they find positive ways to adapt to change.

In this speech, Chief Wilma Mankiller demonstrated for the audience that Native Americans, are a resilient, living modern people who are adapting to their new circumstances while at the same time they embrace their unique cultural heritages and lifestyles.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wilma Mankiller- Summary Points & Images

The images above include a quote, Wilma with her 2 daughters, a younger portrait, the cover of Wilma’s book and the cover of a children’s book written about Wilma.

The source that I, along with all of the others students in the class, reviewed was the video on Youtube of Wilma Mankillers’ lecture >> . This video was meant to show the perspective and knowledge of a strong Native American women on past and current Native American topics and issues. I feel that this source was included in this course because it addresses a wide range of the topics that we’ve been addressing in a contemporary and educated view. The other students have gone so in-depth about various topics from the video that I’ve decided to keep things simple and summarize a view key points:

-Even after hundreds of years many non-natives are taught little in the school system or by others about Native American history, beliefs, culture, or contemporary issues.

-Many non-natives remain ignorant/ unaware of the legitimacy and complexity of tribal government and their continual fight to self-govern.

-There was and continues to be a misunderstanding and lack of respect for the strong and vital women that Native American women have and continue to play in tribal life.

-On the topic of Pan-Indianness, Wilma supports it and feels that it has brought awareness and positive change. She also values native culture and traditions and the important of continuing to learn and pass on native languages. For this reason she expresses the belief that Pan-Indianness can continue to be a positive movement as long as native tribes are able to maintain their unique cultural identities.

What is the purpose of making a Native American focused journal into a blog? Why do you think I have encouraged you to share the knowledge you have gained in a more public forum, beyond the virtual classroom?

Requiring students to keep an educational focused journal of sorts on a blog forced us to not only analyze different recourses but also allowed us practice in the Native American art of storytelling as we attempted to share the knowledge we gained in an engaging manner. Sharing knowledge in a public forum such as blog increases the viewing of the sources we’ve shared to possibly include individuals others than students, makes it easy to scan through topics without opening up each discussion, and gives students practice in writing and communicating in a different forum.
I have an art school blog and a personal blog and feel that blogging can be a great way to share and interact with others.

Module 5 Blog- Wilma Mankiller

Author: Kevin M. Smith
Wilma Mankiller Video
            Recently, after observing the video presentation by Wilma Mankiller, I was reminded of the hardships many Natives have had to endure including assimilation, allotment and stereotyping.  I found the video to be an excellent review of many of the concepts we have learnded this semester from authors including Peter Nabokov, Marijo Moore, Mark Sutton and Anton Truer.
            Mankiller describes the importance of Tribal governments, sovereignty and protects the integrity of native women while mentioning the function of native women in tribes, contradicting many of the stereotypes focused on those women.  Mankiller further discusses the impact of assimilation, describing the impact of having to learn “white” cultural practices, while “balancing” Native traditional “systems”.  This traditional system includes such practices which focus on land oneness, ceremony, language and medicine, each instrumental for Native balance with an advancing culture.
            Interestingly, Mankiller and her Native people as described, still continue to face the stereotypes associated with classification.  She refers to the question asked, where are all the Indians?  This question implies that because a Native is not dressed in traditional clothing, they must not be “Indian”.  To be honest, I find it extremely challenging to believe that there are non-native individuals who think this way.  She explains the importance of the self-help movement which ideally combats such negative stereotypes through maintaining a positive mental health.  I believe that the video presented by Wilma represents an excellent review of the topics covered in this semester.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



Prior to watching Wilma Mankiller’s speech given at Sonoma State University, I was unaware of who she was and what an important figure she was to Native Americans. She was a very impressive and strong woman. Mankiller helped lead and aid Native Americans for many years. In the speech Professor Edward Castillo introduces her acknowledging how creditable she was, thus having 18 honorary doctorate degrees and being the chief of the Cherokees for ten years. He also states that Wilma and himself met while working together at the 1969 occupation of Alcatraz.  During Mankiller’s leadership she focused on improving the nation’s government, healthcare, and education systems. She had also written two books including an autobiography entitled, Mankiller: A Chief and Her People.

Wilma Mankiller began her speech by titling it “Context is everything”.  I believe that the main point of her speech was that even though it has been hundreds of years since the initial encounter between Native Americans and Euro Americans, too few Americans know the truth about the Native American culture, history, and contemporary lives and issues. She believed that is impossible for individual’s to understand how Native People’s culture and history influences the way they interact, and deal with or approach issues they are faced with. 

In the video she discusses how Natives are expected to learn all about the white American history, but few Americans are taught anything about the original Native American history or culture. Therefore without telling Americans the truth or informing them of information, stereotypes of Native Americans were formed. Wilma then goes on to discuss the different stereotypes given to Native Americans such as the “play” governments, and the myth of the wealthy casino owner.  It is very important to the Natives, and was to Mankiller to ensure that their traditions and culture are not forgotten. Revenue being brought in to the tribes such as money from the casinos, is being put towards developing programs to ensure the education and prevalence of their culture, language, and traditions.

Mankiller, Wilma. “Sonoma State University presents Wilma Mankiller.” Youtube, 2008. Web. 24 Aug 2014.