Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wilma Mankiller- Summary Points & Images

The images above include a quote, Wilma with her 2 daughters, a younger portrait, the cover of Wilma’s book and the cover of a children’s book written about Wilma.

The source that I, along with all of the others students in the class, reviewed was the video on Youtube of Wilma Mankillers’ lecture >> . This video was meant to show the perspective and knowledge of a strong Native American women on past and current Native American topics and issues. I feel that this source was included in this course because it addresses a wide range of the topics that we’ve been addressing in a contemporary and educated view. The other students have gone so in-depth about various topics from the video that I’ve decided to keep things simple and summarize a view key points:

-Even after hundreds of years many non-natives are taught little in the school system or by others about Native American history, beliefs, culture, or contemporary issues.

-Many non-natives remain ignorant/ unaware of the legitimacy and complexity of tribal government and their continual fight to self-govern.

-There was and continues to be a misunderstanding and lack of respect for the strong and vital women that Native American women have and continue to play in tribal life.

-On the topic of Pan-Indianness, Wilma supports it and feels that it has brought awareness and positive change. She also values native culture and traditions and the important of continuing to learn and pass on native languages. For this reason she expresses the belief that Pan-Indianness can continue to be a positive movement as long as native tribes are able to maintain their unique cultural identities.

What is the purpose of making a Native American focused journal into a blog? Why do you think I have encouraged you to share the knowledge you have gained in a more public forum, beyond the virtual classroom?

Requiring students to keep an educational focused journal of sorts on a blog forced us to not only analyze different recourses but also allowed us practice in the Native American art of storytelling as we attempted to share the knowledge we gained in an engaging manner. Sharing knowledge in a public forum such as blog increases the viewing of the sources we’ve shared to possibly include individuals others than students, makes it easy to scan through topics without opening up each discussion, and gives students practice in writing and communicating in a different forum.
I have an art school blog and a personal blog and feel that blogging can be a great way to share and interact with others.


  1. Throughout the entire video on Chief Mankiller, she has displayed a superb amount of forward thinking and it is no surprise to me why she is a Chief. At all times, she described the Native Nations in her statement “Keeping a Good mind as a Discipline.” She presented the wrongdoings that the Native Nations were subjected to but she always ended her statements on a positive note. Always moving forward or encouraging others in the ways to be level headed and clear minded. It is a rarity in society today that for comments to come from a person fully knowing the magnitude of wrongdoings yet is the voice of her Nation and keeps her comments consistently in a positive light. As I wrote in my own blog, her statement could be applied to anyone not just those of Native origin.

  2. Richard I do agree with you completely. Last listening to her speak was so encouraging. I especially felt that way she spoke of letting things go and thinking with a clear mind. So many people hold grudges and remember the negative, including me sometimes. It is so much healthy to strive to be like Wilma. She is definitely someone I look up to.

  3. I wanted to leave a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation. Wishing you the best of luck for all your blogging efforts. First Americans
