Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wilma Mankiller

After watching the YouTube video that is published by CSUSonoma entitled Wilma Mankiller I was quite moved. In this presentation Wilma Mankiller, who was a female Chief of the Cherokee Nation, discusses the cultural history of Native People.  Wilma Mankiller suggests that “context is everything” and shares that many people in the US today know very little about Native history and culture.  She states that many schools teach about the history of the land now known as the US after the European arrival and little is known about the Native peoples history and culture prior to that time.

Wilma Mankiller shared that many people do not know that Tribal governments have been around prior to the development of the US. She shared information about the tribal governments in regards to how they are headed and ran. She shared that some governments have evolved from their original way of running while others have remained the same. She shared that the population and land size of the governments is no longer the same but they still enjoy their sovereign rights regardless of this and they continue to thrive.

Wilma went on to explain how important the role of Women played in the Native tribes. However, have not been portrayed as thus in the media on a whole and may stereotypes have been used. Women were powerful and were consulted on important tribal decisions and were also warriors. Women continue to be important in Native tribes and are still involved in tribal government affairs.

She touched on concern about the Native culture being lost and there are plans in creating systems to preserve the culture, not just one part but all parts of the culture.  Wilma shared that knowledge is passed down through generation to generation verbal not written, told through stories, and continuing to do so is important.  She shares that part of this culture is maintaining a sense of inter-independence or a responsibility for one another.  This strong sense of tribal identity and values are continued regardless on one’s location and. Respect for others and respect for one self is promoted and unity, community, harmony and balance are taught. Wilma implies that keeping a good mind as a discipline should be encouraged because negative thoughts can poison one’s self.

She continues to say that is important to preparing youth for future and to do this all that is needed is to look to the past.  She shared this because the Native people have been through so much and are still strong. She also stresses that Native people need to continue to be strong and progress for the Native Youth. While doing so changing the public perception of native people and to rejoice because the Native culture is still ongoing and strong.



CSUSonoma. (2008) Wilma Mankiller.

Retrieved from:

1 comment:

  1. This video actually gave me chills as I was watching it. I think that any tribal leader past and present should watch all the videos there are. She was a true leader and along with her great sense of humor makes her on awesome person!!

    In her presentation she touched a number of different subjects that I could easily relate to in my own tribe as well. She has such a vast knowledge of her history and culture as well knowing her custom and traditions.
